It's been almost three months since we started the CI class in March. It's also coming to the last month of our semester. Summer vacation is around the corner! Time flies and there are six more classes to go.
Tonight, we dived into the discussion about the last TED video "How I feel in love with fish." The speaker, Dan Barber, mentioned that we've been fishing in the seas like we clear-cut forests for the past 50 years. Now, 90% of the large fish, the ones we love: the tuna, the halibuts, the salmons and swordfish have collapsed. As a result, fish farming is going to be a part of our future and the importance of the farm's sustainability emphasizes day by day. How can we keep the balance between fishing farming and ecosystem matters to our planet. It pollutes while it's producing but amazingly, the speaker found a natural wetland as well as fish farm that's a nearly perfect ecosystem in Veta La Palma in Southern Spain. The wetland becomes the biggest bird sanctuary in the world and holds more than 250 different species of birds. It measures success on the health of the predators. The biologist working in the wetland, Miguel, uses the ecological model to not only produce healthy high-quality fish but also maintain the natural environment from harm instead of using the traditional way - agriculture model which uses machines, capital and chemistry to produce yet do the harm.