As I said last time, the theme for next class is:
"People Who Have Made a (Positive!) Difference"
"People Who Have Made the World a Better Place"
This theme was inspired by the people who are fighting the Keystone XL Pipeline, because they feel they have to stand up for what they believe is best for the people and the earth. These people are using Civil Disobedience to get their message across, and they mention Gandhi (the leader of the Indian independence movement), Martin Luther King (the leader of the American civil rights movement), and Susan B. Anthony (the leader of the women's suffrage - right to vote - movement) as some of their inspirations: people who changed the world through nonviolent means.
There are lots of problems in our society and on our earth, but there are also lots of people in the world who are doing positive work and trying to make our world a better place! Let's learn about some of them! Hopefully we will all be inspired!
I hope everyone will prepare a presentation about someone you feel has made a difference or is making a difference in our world! And I hope that you each will feel free to talk about any person you think fits the description of having made a positive difference.
This person can be someone who's done environmental work (as per our last discussions), but you don't have to limit yourself to the field of the environment. It can be anyone you feel has made a difference through political activism or journalism or bravery or poetry or principles or art or medicine or music or science or ... anything!!! :)
As I said in class, please limit your presentations to no more than 8 - 10 minutes. And if you want to give a shorter talk, 2 - 3 minutes, or even less, that's just fine too! :)
If you are stuck for ideas, here are some questions to ask and to possibly answer:
Who is this person?
What problems did he/she face?
What situation did he/she want to change?
What did he/she do to make that change?
What challenges did he/she have to overcome?
Why is the world better because of his/her work?
It can also be about someone who is doing their work right now, and who hasn't succeeded yet, but who is bravely trying to make a change against all odds.
I'll send another email soon! The next email will contain the questions that I mentioned at the end of last class; we will explore our answers to those questions at the start of next Thursday's class.
Take care, and see you in class on Thursday!
Sincerely, Abbie
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